Sunday, August 12, 2012

One year out

We are coming up on our one year Anniversary of Aliyah.  Most of what we learned, has been consolidated in the previous posts.

But, here is an important philosophical point. Many people in the USA have asked us how can we live in Israel, surrounded by enemies that call for our annihilation.   We simply explain that in order to live in Israel, peacefully, one must trust that G_d will defend and protect HIS people during the first flowering of the redemption.  This is a simple point, but to grasp it and live it makes all the difference.

There are many agencies and people here to help you make your move to Israel, fairly painless.  Once you have moved there are a myriad of hurdles to overcome.  But your relationship with G_d will allow you to live here, successfully.  Secondly, make friends here.  Because your neighbors and friends will help you in innumerable ways.  That is the general consensus of the Olim that I know, here in the Ramat Golan.  YMMV.

Never forget that the general Rabbinical consensus is that there is no greater mitzvah than to make Aliyah to Eretz Israel.  Shalom!