Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Our home in the Golan Heights is completed!

Our house was built by Erickson Construction of Kidmat Zvi, Golan Heights, Israel.  Their email address is:  Erickson_con@hotmail.com

Hi Folks!   I have not updated this blog in many months, but as you will see, we were busy with the process of building our house in the Golan Heights.  While we officially made Aliyah in Sept. 2011, we encountered many difficulties in finding the right Contractor to build our home to USA standards.   During the intervening time we lived in rental houses in En Zivan and Katzrin, Golan Heights.  The experience of living in standard concrete homes during the Winter months made us even more determined to find a builder who would build a well insulated, modern wood frame construction house.  Ultimately, Baruch Hashem, we found a great Contractor on our own.  This despite most everyone in the Golan Heights construction business telling us that concrete construction was the only viable choice.

If you are interested in living in Northern Israel, and are considering new construction, do yourself a favor and contact Erickson Construction, based in the Golan Heights.   The owner, Aaron, speaks fluent English and Hebrew.  He and his brothers do most of the home-building work and they are craftsmen, par excellence!

This is a photo of our completed home in a Winter snow storm on the Golan Heights.  Our house has been through two years of some of the biggest snow storms in the last 30 years and has come through it, unscathed.  Also, our home made it through the recent (Sept. 2015) 3 day sandstorm, and there was almost no dust inside our home, due to the quality build and the tight seal of the "Marvin-Integrity" brand windows, used in the house.  By the way, Marvin windows has a Tel Aviv distributor for their windows, so you can get these windows serviced by local contractors!