Thursday, October 6, 2011

Wheels of life

Yom Kippur is rolling our way fast!  People in Eretz Israel continue to wish each other a Good New Year, this week and wishes for an easy fast.
As Olim, we have felt our lives come full circle by moving to Israel.  Where once in U.S., we felt established, settled in- comfortable in our positions at work and in our home; here we have "only just begun, to live" to borrow a line from the famous wedding song.  Our wedding Anniversary falls on Yom Kippur and H" has us playing the newlyweds once more.

The invention of the wheel surely must have been an "einfall" precipitated by H" to teach us how to model the concepts of life and the universe's secrets.  Each year we come full circle in our Torah readings, to finish Mose's admonitions to the generation going into Eretz Israel, and we begin anew with H" 's creation of the world.  We also ask for a renewed lease on life and forgiveness for our failings from the past year's mistakes.  These circular patterns are plain to see, yet I know we miss the connections that these patterns have, that complete the circle.  If we learn from our mistakes and fix what we have broken, and receive forgiveness from those we have hurt, then we can go forward in the new year, armed with the knowledge of how not to break anything more in this world.  Instead we can actually spiritually and physically build in the world, Tikkun Olam.

So, my wife and I are learning to build a new life for ourselves here, with plenty of help and support from H" and the wonderful people of Israel.  We lived the majority of our lives around the other side of the Earth, so this circular journey to Eretz Israel has completed another "revolution" in our lives.
If you are considering Aliyah, consider that this circular time of reconciliation, understanding, and renewal, is the perfect opportunity to ask H" for the strength and guidance to begin a new life in the land that H" gave to you, so many years ago.  Ask for the gift and He will get you rolling on your way home!

May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life and have an easy fast, this year-5772.

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