Friday, September 2, 2011

Empty Apartment

So, I'm writing this entry, sitting in a folding camping chair, inside our empty apartment.

Last night, we had pizza and beer by our community pool with 5 members of our family.  It was a poignant last farewell, but we had fun and everyone stayed in good spirits.

The shipping company sent the movers today and they packed all day.  But we did not have a lot of stuff, so they finished early and decided just to take everything with them, instead of coming back tomorrow to load the items.  The moving company did an expert job wrapping and packing our items.  Although we had a lot of our stuff in plastic storage bins, they still took the time to wrap the bins in moving paper and packing tape.  Our furniture was wrapped as well.

We plan on flying out tomorrow sometime, depending on when we can get on a flight. Hurricane Irene caused several flight cancellations and it will be difficult to find seats on any flights this week.

We have wired our rent money to our landlord and he finally received it.  We also placed a deposit on a new Toyota car, via wire transfer.  Neither of the wire transfers went very easy, but it was eventually handled.

We will sleep over at a relative's home tonight, and then off to the airport with our GIANT luggage bags.  We needed 3 months worth of items to make it through until the shipment of our household goods arrives.  We have a total of 3 very large suitcases, one carry-on roller bag, one backpack, and one laptop computer bag.  We have NEVER carried this much luggage on a trip, as we are firm believers in packing light when sightseeing.  But we are moving, so carrying a sherpa load is the way we'll roll on this trip.

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