Sunday, September 25, 2011

Internet and Google maps on your smartphone!

Hello, sorry for the delay in posting, but as you will find out, it is not an easy thing to get internet service in the "Ramat Golan" (upper Golan Heights).   Occasionally, like right now, our neighbors have a WiFi system turned on, but it is hit and miss when we can log on and use it.  After trying several different options, we chose to buy a USB-cell phone service internet connection "stick".   We had one in the USA, and it worked well for our purposes.

Speaking of cell phone service, I cannot recommend enough that you buy a "smart phone" here and sign up for an internet package so you can use, "GOOGLE MAPS" in Israel.  If you do not know your way around the country and need to find the local government offices, this service is invaluable to people who do not speak fluent Hebrew.  DO NOT buy the cell phone company's GPS service, (for example: Orange GPS) BECAUSE the maps are all in Hebrew, which doesn't do you any good as an English speaker.  You may think it might be fairly easy to follow a map in Hebrew, but when you are stressed by heavy traffic, time constraints, and looking at a small video screen for directions, believe me, it will become very hard to read Hebrew map directions, unless you are completely fluent.

Also, REMEMBER to ask the salesperson, when you buy your phone, how to retrieve your voicemail.  The directions are in Hebrew on the phone menu and "she" speaks quite rapidly, so there is no understanding how to do it after you leave the cell phone store.

I know we weren't the only ones who could not retrieve our messages, as some of our Ulpan classmates asked the "Morah"-female teacher, how to get their phone messages.

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