Friday, September 2, 2011

Made it to Eretz Israel with a little help from our friends!

Baruch H'' we made it to Eretz Israel, at 0430 hrs today, 02Sept11.  Our 200lbs. of luggage made it too!  We had to take the "long way around".  We went from LAX to SFO, then to FRA (Frankfurt, Germany).  We spent the night, did some sightseeing in town, and took a red-eye flight to Ben Gurion Airport.  We are exhausted, but relieved to be in Israel for the beginning of our lives in THE PROMISED LAND!

As I write this from our friends' home in Modi'in, I am fondly recalling our last Shabbat service at B'nai Israel, in Tustin, CAL.  We were blessed to see many congregational friends that morning and say our goodbyes.  An engaged couple received Rabbi Spitz' blessing and I had the privilege to hold their Grandfather's Tallit, suspended over them as a Chuppah.  After a Bat Mitzveh, Rabbi Spitz also honored my wife and I with a special blessing for traveling to Israel.  I cannot describe what a loving and warm congregation, B'nai Israel was and is for us.  We could not have made the conversion or Aliyah without the guidance and support we found amongst those wonderful people that we are privileged to call friends.

So we have ahead of us, our car purchase, settling up with the shipping company, driving to the Golan and moving into our rental home, and driving lessons.  I'm off to crash on the couch for some shut-eye.  I am content and full of anticipation.  Here we go!

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