Wednesday, September 14, 2011


We have started our ULPAN Hebrew language course, in the Katzrin community center.  Our class consists of several Russian Jews, who have lived in Israel for a few years, another couple from Los Angeles who live in the lower Golan, an Australian Jew, an Argentinian Jew, and a woman from Columbia who married an Israeli.  Quite a cosmopolitan class, I'd say!
Contrary to what some websites tell you about Ulpan, this course expects that you already know the modern Hebrew cursive writing.  Nothing is done in block letters, like you read in prayer books and in the Torah.  Had we known that, we would have had that down before we immigrated.  Oh well.  Hope this serves as a warning to others to be prepared.  The classes are fast paced and quite overwhelming, so anything you can do to prepare beforehand, would be of great benefit.  I am blessed with a smart spouse who has studied Hebrew for a few years, so she is carrying me along.
I'll report back after a few weeks on our progress. 
(UPDATE: 27/09/11)
We have completed two weeks of Ulpan and received a 6 page take home test to complete during 2 days off.  The teachers mean business here, and there is no slacking off.  The test was difficult and I probably received a "C" grade on the test, while my wife certainly received an "A" on her test.  I quipped with the teacher that at least she knew I did not "copy" off my wife's test papers.  Little consolation for me though.  I have had a hard time because I did not know the "cursive" Hebrew writing before I started the class.  Also, many folks in the class have lived in Israel for some time, while I'm "fresh off the boat."  Also, for whatever reason, I have a hard time pronouncing words correctly, while most folks in the class do well with the pronunciation.  Oh well, I'm trying hard and maybe that will pay off in the long run. 

My wife has labeled our home with stickers for the names of common items.  She also makes up quizzes while we drive around the Golan, and elsewhere.  This is helpful, although I know it is stressful on her, as she is trying to learn and keep up too, all the while dragging me along.  I pray that I am not slowing her progress, because I truly need her help to persevere.  She is a great help and the love of my life!

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